Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Soleilmavis- The Children of the Cube

"On August 2002, I went to New Zealand . I again had all the symptoms often occurring. On April 2003, I had already spent all my money. I came back China and stayed with my parents. I had more symptoms : such as astriction, gatism, and sex harassment."

Wait, what? Sex harassment... symptom?

Read the rest here: Soleilmavis - mind control abuse and torture

Like Dr Gene Ray (Cubic)'s website, most of Ms Mavis's works are also blocked in China.


Why, yes. That's what "coincidence" means.

Follow the links yourself. No explanation of mine will do this mindwarp any justice.

But what do these people have in common?

Africa China Relations

I've started a new blog to aggregate news about Africa-China relations. There will be very little comments by me, just links as I find them. This is just a collection of items for my own benefit in the future, facilitated by the ease of the Flock browser.

If any Chinese-enabled people find interesting Chinese language items relating to Africa, and especially South Africa, a heads up would be much appreciated.