Sunday, 24 July 2005

Cheers to 33 + 1

The blog is one year old today, and who would've thought we'd make it? To add to the occasion, Cerebus is bypassing JC this year and turned 33 yesterday. This is what I wrote one year ago:
the blog is up and running, after only two weeks of discussing it. this must rate as one of the most decisive moments of my life - any more decisions at such breakneck speed and my posts will become blurred as well.

cerebus will join soon, as soon as the weight of yet another birthday (july 23rd) wears off.
Cerebus and I quickly realised we're not going to make it alone and Krizz and Thespian joined as well (the latter for one real and several promised posts). So cheers to us for managing to clutter up the Internet with another 80+ Deep and Informed ramblings. Let's see what the next year brings. Hmmm.

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